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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Governments need to rein in real estate trusts

LETTER: Governments need to rein in real estate trusts

'Extracting more income off the backsides of tenant families is all part of the strategy that governments have allowed,' says letter writer
LETTER: Citizens frustrated with simmering library strike

LETTER: Citizens frustrated with simmering library strike

It is time to meet library workers' request and bring this strike to an end, letter writers say
LETTER: Taking developers out of system could solve housing 'crisis'

LETTER: Taking developers out of system could solve housing 'crisis'

Letter writer says to stop using term 'crisis,' because it 'lends to a false panic, which results in poor judgment when looking for solutions'
LETTER: Ford lacks concern for climate crisis, says reader

LETTER: Ford lacks concern for climate crisis, says reader

Letter writer says he can no longer support PCs after Ford's 'attack' on Greenbelt
LETTER: People expect accountability from MPPs on Greenbelt

LETTER: People expect accountability from MPPs on Greenbelt

Public Forum on the Greenbelt scheduled for Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. at Grace United Church in Barrie
LETTER: Ford continues to fail electorate and abuse power

LETTER: Ford continues to fail electorate and abuse power

The Blue Mountains resident says Premier Doug Ford's time should be up, based on his track record
LETTER: We're not immune to impact of the climate crisis

LETTER: We're not immune to impact of the climate crisis

'The Insurance Bureau of Canada found that 20 per cent of Canadian households (1.8 million), could be qualified as high-risk for flooding,' says letter writer
LETTER: Council members get raises, but library workers don't?

LETTER: Council members get raises, but library workers don't?

'This will be the council's 2022-2026 legacy instead of the good things that can be done,' says letter writer
LETTER: Group pleads with municipalities not to evict homeless

LETTER: Group pleads with municipalities not to evict homeless

The Charter requires that a municipality not only demonstrates that it has enough shelter beds to serve the number of people experiencing homelessness, but also that those beds meet the needs of the people they are intended to serve
LETTER: Board member stands behind library workers

LETTER: Board member stands behind library workers

'CUPE's unwavering support for front-line employees is a testament to their commitment to promoting fairness,' writes Dillon McDowell