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Attendance area review underway for Bradford schools

Goals of attendance review include minimizing busing, reducing accommodation pressures and maximizing French Immersion offerings
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In recent years, the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) has experienced significant growth in the Bradford area. To support this increased enrolment, the Ontario Ministry of Education has approved funding for two new Bradford elementary schools, which are expected to open in the 2022-2023 school year. The SCDSB is also introducing a second French Immersion program for the Bradford community.

An attendance area review is required to create the new school boundaries and establish a catchment area for the new French Immersion program. The goals of the attendance area review are to: 

  • maximize walk zones
  • minimize busing
  • reduce accommodation pressures
  • ensure new attendance boundaries consider future students from new houses
  • maximize French Immersion offerings
  • ensure school sites have adequate space for parking and portables for future growth
  • determine the placement of county and district special education classes 
  • address the need to accommodate students who live in holding areas

Due to restrictions related to COVID-19, the SCDSB is inviting members of the Bradford elementary school community to provide feedback regarding the attendance area and French Immersion changes via ThoughtExchange®. This online platform provides an opportunity for students and parents/guardians to share their thoughts, and to see and rank the thoughts and ideas of others.

This attendance area review will include a separate ThoughtExchange® for members of our north and south Bradford school communities. Visit the attendance area reviews page on the SCDSB website for further information about the attendance area review, including proposed boundaries, and to participate in a ThoughtExchange®.

The ThoughtExchange® links for this attendance area review will be available from May 28 to June 11.
