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LETTER: Let arbitrator settle library strike

'On another note, this might be a good time to enter into a discussion as to whether libraries are still relevant,' suggests local resident
2018-11-28-bradford library and leisure centre

BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via our website. Please include your daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication).

With great interest have I read the number of comments regarding the fairness of the library workers getting a $1.35 increase. When taking a side on this issue we have to realize that both the library board and the union only let us know what they want us to know. We do not get the whole picture. 

The best way to solve this in my opinion, is to let an arbitrator come up with a fair solution.

On another note, this might be a good time to enter into a discussion as to whether libraries are still relevant.  When I was growing up, libraries were a place where books were available for borrowing to read or study. All of this is now available online. 

We live in a digital world. Are the services that libraries offer still needed? Are new services introduced just to keep the libraries open? Do we need to provide free internet to those who don't have internet access at home? Every coffee shop offers internet access. Do we need to provide a place where people can read  newspapers? Also available at coffee shops. 

Is this maybe the time to have a conversation about the need of physical libraries and their relevancy? Is there a better way to spend this money or better yet, could our property taxes be reduced by not spending this money?

Just an honest question.

Harry deGeus