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POEM: The Devil's Gate by Bradford's Walter Prokopchuk

Writer touches on voting, human rights, Ukraine and the Middle East in submission to BradfordToday
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BradfordToday welcomes letters to the editor at [email protected] or via the website. Please include your full name, daytime phone number and address (for verification of authorship, not publication). The following is a submitted poem.

The Devil’s Gate

It seems as though - as time evolves - more dangers do arise,
Such previously unknown, unseen: stark bleakness in our skies,
For, climate change, some men deranged, and earth-sweeping disease,
And uncontrolled technology, may common sense - ours seize.

Firstly let’s back up our clock, of record’s history,
To relatively recent years, ’round nineteen-forty-three,
When sanity was overruled, by a psychopath - been labelled,
Who did reveal his master plan, methodically been tabled

To change Earth’s people wilfully - toward his ideal’s extent -
By his sole volition made, absent of both content
And approval of the rest, and input’s opinion leant,
He’d remove some races ’stead: inclusive betterment.

Fast forward to our modern day, when evil again lurks
When some folks now, with Satan’s guide, in concert jointly work
As in Europe’s breadbasket, Ukraine’s folks be displaced,
In Middle East where one tribe tries, to Israel erase.

With recipes adulterate, those evil chefs do troll
Till time when we let down our guard, so they’d seize all control;
For seems they’d not “do unto us, as we would do for others”
As within Christ's golden rule, ’stead they’d rather us smother.

And so we’re pleased for the presence of - our media’s police:
Those journalists who “man” front lines, mandated to release
The true news of our daily facts, within all local spheres,
To protect our fought-for rights: FREE speech be one held dear.

Perhaps solutions lie herein, our Democratic states,
Where we - the voters - continue, to guard our Blessed fate
By practicing our vigilance, abroad, and at home here,
To alert all nations, FREE, in strength to each adhere;

Thus children need be taught to accept, all races in our schools,
Too, at home practice Love toward all, lest they grow up as fools;
And, we need defend our Human Rights, and strive in unison,
Insuring Canada remains, Earth’s nation: Number One!

Walter Prokopchuk