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Diminishing differences locally during Ramadan (7 photos)

Ninth Islamic holy month marked with displays at schools, libraries

Ramadan is a time for prayer, excelling in good deeds, improving one’s mental, spiritual and physical state as well as fasting and gratitude. But in this ninth Islamic holy month one not only gives up food and water between sunrise and sunset but also searches for many ways one can give back to their communities and pay it forward.

Although Islam’s teachings guide all Muslims to regularly give charity, pray and to be grateful, this practice is multiplied manifold in this holy month of Ramadan.

From a religious aspect, even a smile can act as charity and go a long way. Therefore, one is compelled to become adept to find new avenues which make life easier for those around them. So, to diminish differences and to eradicate ignorance, we must first understand each other, respect and celebrate our differences and finally encourage cultural inclusivity.

There are thousands of cultures, religions, lifestyles, and opinions in this world. No matter how many places we travel, or levels of education we receive, there will always be something we do not understand. Just because a person is unfamiliar with a particular concept does not mean they are unintelligent.

So, this Ramadan, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association (Hadeeqa Ahmed chapter) has organized several displays and infographics and poster bristol board presentations in schools and libraries in Bradford and Innisfil. These displays are exhibited for the education, information and benefit of the general public and students in an honest attempt to break through stereotypes, open minds to the possibilities and, finally, to open clear dialogue.