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Glowing Hearts accepting nominations for annual backpack program

Local charity helps low-income families in Simcoe County fill their back-to-school needs
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Glowing Hearts Charity is less than one month away from handing out backpacks to students from low-income families in Simcoe County. The GHC team is incredibly thankful for the generosity of our sponsors and community who have come together through donations and nominations to make this such a success.

Nominations and donations are still being accepted, so they encourage you to please sign up your child (or someone else’s) who would benefit from a filled backpack with a lunch kit, or donate today. More information can be found by clicking here.

One of their amazing sponsors, Campus Priority, has created a new way for them to offer something back to you when contributing to the goal of filling 500 backpacks. This year, cross off your back-to-school shopping list using the Campus Priority website.

Not only will you save money, Glowing Hearts Charity will receive a five per cent donation of the pre-tax total of your order. Use the coupon code 30GLOW5 and you will receive 30 per cent off an online order. If in-store pick-up is the best option for you and your family, use coupon code 5050GLOW5 for 50 per cent off your order of $50 or more. All coupon codes can be applied at Step 5 of checkout.

Preparing for back-to-school and giving back to the community has never been easier. Campus Priority is located at 361 King St., Barrie. For more information on Campus Priority, click here.

Glowing Hearts Charity would like to give enormous thank you to their sponsors Campus Priority, Telus Community Ambassadors, Sybran Property Maintenance, Daniel Bist Consulting, Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association Simcoe Muskoka, Jack Garner Foundation, Waste Connections of Canada, Simcoe County Elementary Teachers Federation, Instant Imprint, The Chilton Team, Riverwise Psychological Services, Grace North Psychotherapy, Dollarama, and McDougall Insurance.

It is never too late to get involved in the Backpacks for Youth program. If you are interested in donating to the Backpacks for Youth Program visit their website.
