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Keep your pets safe and happy this holiday weekend!

From road trips to boat excursions to camping, it's important to always keep in mind the needs of your furry friends, says OSPCA
Photo provided by the Ontario SPCA.

If you’ve got an adventure planned this long weekend that includes Fido, the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society has some tips to keep your pet safe and happy – and make your weekend more enjoyable because you’re not stressing about your furry friend.

Road trips

For your pet’s safety and your own, confine them to the back seat, either in a carrier or pet seatbelt. Pets should never be transported in the box of a pickup truck!

To help keep your pet comfortable throughout the trip, keep the car at a comfortable temperature; feed your pet a light meal at least four hours before the trip to help prevent car sickness and schedule rest stops every two to four hours. Always attach your pet’s leash before opening the car door to reduce the chance of them escaping.

Plan your trip in advance to ensure your dog is never left unattended in a hot vehicle. Parked cars can quickly reach deadly temperatures, even on relatively mild days with the car parked in the shade and the windows slightly open. Visit for more on car safety.

Boating safety

If your long weekend plans include boating with your furry friend, suit up with a pet life jacket. Even good swimmers can tire easily in rough water. Life jackets not only keep your pet afloat if they decide to “jump ship,” they can also make it easier to pull them back on board.

Remember, it can get very hot on a boat, so be sure to provide a shaded area for your pet to rest and bring plenty of fresh water to prevent dehydration and/or heat stroke.

Preventing lost dogs

When camping or cottaging, don’t let your dog wander. They can get lost, hit by a car or get into altercations with wildlife.  Pets need to be leashed or safely confined to the area where you’re staying.

Pets should be equipped with identification that carries the address and phone number of your cottage. If your pet is microchipped, contact the microchip company and inform them of your weekend address and phone number.

Follow these simple suggestions to help ensure that you and your pets enjoy a relaxing – and safe – long weekend.
