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NATASHA'S NOOK: This one's for the tweens

Library's Chapter Chats Tween Book Club a fun chance to learn, connect, columnist explains
The Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library offers a Chapter Chats Tween Book Club.

Parents, are you looking for an opportunity to spark your tweens’ love for reading?

Look no further than the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library’s Tween Book Club: Chapter Chats for tweens ages 11 to 13.

Chapter Chats Tween Book Club meets once a month to discuss one of the latest picks from our exciting, eclectic collection. From fantasy to science fiction, adventure to heart-warming tales, we’ve got it all.

Each month, our dedicated librarians hand-pick captivating books that will ignite your child’s curiosity.

Being part of a book club is more than just reading. It’s a whole experience.

With guided discussions and engaging activities, Chapter Chats creates a space for tweens to express their thoughts and develop critical thinking.

I am part of a book club with a few local ladies in town, and while we discuss the books at each meeting, we also discuss many other topics — everything from motherhood to work to home projects and popular TV shows. Some amazing friendships have developed out of this club, and it all started with a shared love of reading. For that, I am truly grateful.

At the library, we hope our Tween Book Club can provide the same type of platform for our young readers.

It can be hard getting youth motivated to do anything these days. I know because I have two young ones at home, and if it doesn’t involve a screen, they usually don’t want to participate. But it’s important we encourage them to take action and get involved in various activities whether for physical or mental health.

Here are some reasons why having your tweens join our monthly book club is beneficial:

  • They will discover amazing books. Our club selects the most exciting and thought-provoking reads that will transport your children to different worlds and broaden their horizons.
  • They will engage in lively discussions. Tweens can share their thoughts, insights, and favourite moments with fellow book lovers. Our book club meetings are a chance to dive deeper into the stories, unravel hidden meanings, and debate exciting plot twists.
  • They can participate in fun activities. The book club is not just about reading. From book-themed crafts to exciting book-related games, we offer a range of activities that will keep your children entertained and spark their creativity.
  • They can make new friends. Young readers can connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for reading and storytelling. Our book club is a friendly and inclusive space where they can bond with fellow bookworms and forge lifelong friendships.

The next time you’re in the library, have a look at all our Tween Book Club picks in our children’s section near the Green Room on the main floor.

Some of the books we have read this year so far include Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling, Blended by Sharon M. Draper, New Kid by Jerry Kraft, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

June’s book is The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang. We will be meeting on Monday, June 19 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. to discuss. Pick up a copy at the service desk and join in the fun.

Don’t let your tweens miss out on the chance to expand their literary horizons, make new friends, and embark on extraordinary reading adventures.

’Til next week, happy reading.

Natasha Philpott is the marketing and communications co-ordinator at the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library. You can reach her at [email protected].