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Nutrition Wellness Series

Start off the new year with a healthy lifestyle
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Does the New Year create unwanted stress for you in your life?

Do you often find yourself searching for the latest fad diet that leaves you feeling defeated as it is often something that you cannot sustain?

Why not start the year off with a positive outlook on living a healthier lifestyle that doesn't emphasize weight loss as the primary goal. Join Lindsay and Robert as they guide you through a positive approach to nutrition and wellness and make changes to your health that will leave you feeling that you can be successful beyond the New Year.

Date: Tuesday & Thursday, January 16-February 22, 2024

Time: 10:15-11:15am

Fee: $79.99

What's included in this 6-week program;

  • Nutrition Assessment & Guidelines (Precision Nutrition)
  • InBody Assessment (2)
  • Ongoing Nutrition coaching
  • Yoga Class (1/week)
  • Strength/HIIT Class (1/week)
  • Bi-weekly in-person nutrition/wellness seminars (Saturday 9 - 10am)
  • Bi-weekly virtual content (videos from your nutrition/wellness team)
  • ongoing support & communication with the nutrition and wellness team & community

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