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OUTDOORS: Crow's death a 'brazen act by a bold predator'

OUTDOORS: Crow's death a 'brazen act by a bold predator'

It's rare to come across a dead crow, notes outdoors columnist, who says 'all-out war' is now a possibility in the woods near his home
COLUMN: Seeing wild orchids calls for a 'happy dance'

COLUMN: Seeing wild orchids calls for a 'happy dance'

'The real attraction is the form and structure of the individual flower,' says outdoors columnist
COLUMN: Can’t make sense of the news? Turn to nature!

COLUMN: Can’t make sense of the news? Turn to nature!

There is 'real' news happening in the natural world everyday that deserves our attention, says outdoors columnist
COLUMN: Beware the pesky porcupine poking around area!

COLUMN: Beware the pesky porcupine poking around area!

Outdoors columnist came across some rather distinctive and disgusting signs that a food-searching porcupine had visited his garage recently
OUTDOORS: Discovery of 'funny purple flower' a real treat

OUTDOORS: Discovery of 'funny purple flower' a real treat

Looking at wildflowers is a simple delight and reaction to recent 'discovery' on social media was a highlight for 'new environmentalists'
COLUMN: Count yourself lucky if you see this bird

COLUMN: Count yourself lucky if you see this bird

Black tern population is declining, but they go to lengths to survive, outdoors columnist explains
OUTDOORS: Tis the season to remember turtles are not speed bumps

OUTDOORS: Tis the season to remember turtles are not speed bumps

Many turtles are species at risk because so many are killed by vehicles in mid-June or what's known as turtle season, warns columnist
OUTDOORS: Trashing of local Crown land is a 'real insult'

OUTDOORS: Trashing of local Crown land is a 'real insult'

Swift Rapids Road area and Upper Big Chute area are strewn with trash, creating a threat to abundant and diverse wildlife seeking refuge there
OUTDOORS: Where are the mosquitoes? Should we be worried?

OUTDOORS: Where are the mosquitoes? Should we be worried?

Columnist offers some tips on how to attract mosquitoes and how to keep the pesky little insect at bay
OUTDOORS: Summer is fleeting, so go outside, find solitude!

OUTDOORS: Summer is fleeting, so go outside, find solitude!

You don’t have to eat roots and berries, but a simple getaway should be just that ... simple, urges columnist