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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Council should adopt 'don’t spend it if you don’t have it' mentality

LETTER: Council should adopt 'don’t spend it if you don’t have it' mentality

Reader responds to council debate on the draft 2025 budget, and the property tax increase potentially being lowered by using revenue from speed cameras
LETTER: Town asleep at the wheel amid long road closure

LETTER: Town asleep at the wheel amid long road closure

'Why was an advance green not put at the 8th Concession with a passing lane?' letter writer asks
LETTER: Flashing signs too distracting for drivers

LETTER: Flashing signs too distracting for drivers

'I just recently caught myself paying attention to the flashing red instead of the road,' says letter writer
POEM: Armistice, Not Armament, by Bradford's Walter Prokopchuk

POEM: Armistice, Not Armament, by Bradford's Walter Prokopchuk

Writer reflects on wars past and present, and what should be done to promote peace
LETTER: Reconsidering AMJ conference a welcome decision

LETTER: Reconsidering AMJ conference a welcome decision

'One purpose of the annual convention (Jalsa Salana) is to bring communities together and promote brotherhood in the society,' representative from Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at community writes
LETTER: Are Ontario government rebates buying votes?

LETTER: Are Ontario government rebates buying votes?

'Taxpayers expect their money to be put into much-needed resources that benefit the population,' says reader in response to Premier Doug Ford's recent announcement
LETTER: What mayors should ask for is more social services funding

LETTER: What mayors should ask for is more social services funding

'People, generally, don’t choose to live in encampments. There are a number of reasons why they do, including safety and a lack of shelter or housing,' says reader
LETTER: Bradford Bypass building process 'illegal,' coalition says

LETTER: Bradford Bypass building process 'illegal,' coalition says

Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition executive director issues open letter to Ontario transportation minister, calls for enhanced GO services, use of salt alternatives on major highways
LETTER: Time to 'put the garden to bed' for the winter

LETTER: Time to 'put the garden to bed' for the winter

'After reading about the components and importance and healthy soil, I realized I had been doing a lot of counterproductive and unnecessary work,' says reader
LETTER: Think U.S. voting system is stranger than ours? Think again

LETTER: Think U.S. voting system is stranger than ours? Think again

'Surely, it's time to throw away adherence to one of the relics of our country's history as a British colony,' letter writer says of first past the post