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$19K debt, housing developments: What’s on tonight’s Bradford council agenda

Bradford West Gwillimbury residents will have two chances to share their thoughts on different housing developments in Bond Head and Bradford
2018-11-28-bradford library and leisure centre
BWG council holds its meetings at the Bradford West Gwillimbury Public Library. Jenni Dunning/BradfordToday

There are several Bradford West Gwillimbury housing developments on tap for discussion at Tuesday evening’s council meeting.

Council will also take a look at a letter asking for leniency for $19,000 in late payments, a staff report on the 2018 municipal election, and a transit stop request.

Local residents are welcome to attend the meeting, which takes place at 7 p.m. in the Zima Room of the BWG Public Library.

Line 8 environmental assessment

During a closed session before the public portion of the meeting begins, council will discuss “Line 8 Environmental Assessment (land acquisition/disposition),” according to the agenda.

At the start of the public portion of the meeting, council will possibly make a motion on what it discussed in closed session.

$19,000 in late payments

The Southlake Academic Family Health Team owes the Town of BWG about $19,000 due to financial errors, and it is asking the town for leniency for paying it back.

BWG council will consider the request at Tuesday’s meeting and direct town staff on what to do.

There is an outstanding utilities bill of about $17,000, which was “missed in error,” plus about $2,000 in late rent payment charges for multiple months, according to a letter the health team submitted to council.

However, every fiscal year, the health team must return any surplus funding back to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, so it no longer has the money that would have covered those fees, read the letter.

It is asking council to reduce the amount owing, or to allow to pay it in three installments over the next 18 months.

As well, the letter states the health team incorrectly paid about $17,000 to another vendor instead of the Town of BWG for rent for August and September 2017, which it paid back to the town in November 2018.

Public meeting: Bond Head development

Members of the public will have a chance to give their input on an amended draft proposal for a 54-hectare housing development in Bond Head.

The entire property is on the north side of County Road 88 and falls on both sides of County Road 27.

In 2012, a draft plan was approved for 334 single detached lots. Since that time, the developer, DG Group, purchased 3017 County Road 27, and it wants to build seven more lots on that property, according to a Town of BWG staff report.

Public meeting: Bradford development

Members of the public will also have a chance to give their input on a draft proposal for another development at the northeast and northwest corner of McKenzie Way and Noble Drive.

Lormel Developments (Bradford) Limited has applied to develop 24 single detached dwellings on that nearly two-hectare property.

Surrounding the property are other areas all approved for future residential development as part of a Lormel subdivision.

The original draft approval for the plan included 277 units on 11 ha, according to a Town of BWG staff report.

Municipal election report

Council will receive a town staff report about the accessibility of the 2018 municipal election in BWG.

The report states telephone and Internet methods made voting accessible to everyone.

Among the considerations for the 2022 election listed in the report is “continuing voting methods that provide additional accessibility, such as telephone or Internet voting,” and using Voter Help Centres.

Advisory committees

Council is expected to approve a recommendation to create several advisory committees for the 2018-2022 term:

  • Active Transportation/Recreation Committee
  • Arts & Culture Committee
  • Downtown Revitalization Committee
  • Economic Development Advisory Committee
  • Fire & Emergency Services Committee
  • Heritage Committee
  • Seniors Housing Committee
  • Traffic Committee

Once approved, town staff would advertise to recruit members from the community.

Transit stop request

Bradford West Gwillimbury resident is expected to make a deputation to council about reinstating a transit stop at 200 Holland Crt.

County council update

No specifics are listed on the agenda, but Simcoe County council passed its 2019 budget this morning with a two per cent tax increase.

BWG Mayor Rob Keffer and Deputy Mayor James Leduc are both members of county council.

Committee of the Whole:

During the council meeting, there will also be a meeting of the Committee of the Whole, which is made up of council members.

Low density development update

Council will receive a town staff report about a townhouse development at 2676 8th Line, just east of Noble Drive, which sparked debate at the last council meeting about density and parking concerns.

Town staff is recommending council approve the developer’s draft proposal for 20 townhouses, with a condition for the developer to hire a design consultant and give the town architectural plan approval.

Jenni Dunning

About the Author: Jenni Dunning

Jenni Dunning is a community editor and reporter who covers news in the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury.
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