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COLUMN: Biden's inauguration and words usher in a whole new era

From Bernie's mittens to a lack of handrails, Wendy outlines her inauguration observations in this week's 'Everything King'
2021-01-10 Joe Biden
U.S. President Joe Biden.

It has been just about a week since the inauguration of the new U.S. president and I wanted to write this while the emotion is still fresh.

So many words were said. So many good words.

Truth, dignity, respect, opportunity, goodness, kindness, unity.

Did you notice those words were also strung together in complete sentences? I was overjoyed by the return of adjectives, nouns and verbs.

I rarely understood what Donald Trump was trying to express. I admit Melania Trump’s 'Be Best' campaign bothered me from the get-go. It made no sense. Of course, there was no point to it because there was no substance behind it. It needed another word. 'Be Your Best,' 'Do Our Best,' 'Be the Best' ...something.

But, on Inauguration Day, there was a message and at the end of said message I understood the point. It wasn’t rambling or disjointed. It wasn’t screamed at me from the television set by a crazy, orange man. There was a sense of calm. The adults had returned to the world stage. Our American friends were getting a do-over.

By now, the pundits have analyzed everything that was said and done and intended.

Here are 10 things I observed  here from my lofty couch perch in Canada.

1. There are a lot of stairs in Washington. Too many for my taste. Every time someone was introduced to make their entrance, at the Capitol, I did a silent prayer that they wouldn’t trip. Vice-President Kamala Harris nearly did a face plant at one point. Where are the railings? Can’t they install a chair lift? The politicians are getting older  give them a break. Or let them wear flats.

2. The next fashion trend — if we ever get to go out in public again  will be the single colour pantsuit with full-length jacket. Who wore it best? Michelle Obama  no contest. Stunning! 

3. Best fashion statement: Lady Gaga. I would have foregone the over-the-top red skirt, which was a disaster waiting to happen (with all those stairs), but that giant bird pin! Yes, I know it was symbolic as the dove of peace, but, all I saw was a giant big bird across her chest and, as someone who loves big jewelry, it was breath-taking. And J-Lo’s bling? She was shiny. I also enjoyed Garth Brooks in his Sunday best pair of jeans. Equally memorable was Senator Bernie Sanders and those knitted mittens. Everyone wants a pair.

4. The family Bible on which the politicians take the oath was certainly front and centre. Must it be so big? Poor Dr. Biden looked like her knees were going to buckle with that huge, heavy Good Book. Didn’t great-great-grandma Biden have a smaller version?

5. Old-school manners matter! Did you notice both former vice-president Mike Pence and President Joe Biden assist their wives into the waiting limos before getting in themselves. Noticed it. Loved it.

6. One new job of the Second Gentleman will be to hold his wife’s gloves. I await the day Kamala hands Doug her purse. This is long-overdue payback for every woman who has been stuck with her husband’s wallet, glasses, cellphone, and keys for decades. 

7. Despite all the celebrities and power couples at the ceremony, the rock stars are still the Obamas. It was those two who everyone wanted to talk to and get a selfie with. You could feel the excitement.

8. Masks are the new fashion accessory. I was stunned to see all the interesting shapes and designs and patterns. Clearly, they don’t have to be boring. They also cannot hide a person’s light. No mask was going to dim the glow of Vice-President Harris, whose eyes were smiling the entire day.

9. There’s always one big moment! The person who really stole the show had to be the 22-year-old poet laureate, Amanda Gorman. What incredible poise. What a message. What a future she has.

10. Americans have always known how to put on a show. It's hard to beat those patriotic songs performed by military marching bands. The inaugural songs were as poignant as former president Trump’s musical choices were odd for his sendoff: The Village People’s YMCA and Frank Sinatra’s version of My Way. I would love to know the thought process there.

Mostly, what I noticed is that throughout the day I felt relieved. Even as a Canadian, I felt this angst the past four years. Every morning, I would tune into the news with a real trepidation. It was like waiting for the next shoe to drop.

I know this is the honeymoon phase for the new leadership. In a few days, things won’t seem quite so shiny and new. We are still in a pandemic. Things aren’t getting better locally or globally. My personal circumstances, and likely yours, haven’t improved much from 2020. Still, I feel lighter. I feel more hopeful. It's like dad is back in charge and he will handle the tough stuff. No matter what, on a daily basis, things are not going to be so frantic.

I am going to keep repeating those powerful words: truth, dignity, respect, opportunity, goodness, kindness, unity. And I will add one more: gratitude!

About the Author: Wendy King

Wendy King writes about all kinds of things from nutrition to the job search from cats to clowns — anything and everything — from the ridiculous to the sublime. Watch for Wendy's column weekly.
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