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Driver receives three-day suspension during RIDE check

Driver receives three-day suspension during RIDE check

Police say the 39-year-old registered a warn sign on a breathalyzer
Ontario reports record 2,432 new COVID cases today

Ontario reports record 2,432 new COVID cases today

The province has also reported 23 deaths and 91 new hospitalizations in today's update
Bradford community takes part in ‘Fill A Purse for a Sister’ campaign (9 photos)

Bradford community takes part in ‘Fill A Purse for a Sister’ campaign (9 photos)

The sixth annual Fill a Purse for a Sister campaign ended earlier this month with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association taking part in filling 25 purses to the organizers of the Bradford location.
Ministry tells Ontario school boards to prepare for remote school in January

Ministry tells Ontario school boards to prepare for remote school in January

Lecce has told board chairs they should encourage staff and students to bring essential learning materials home over the holidays
Traffic cushion pilot program coming to Bradford

Traffic cushion pilot program coming to Bradford

Pilot project planned for 2021
Three people sent to hospital after early morning collision in Innisfil

Three people sent to hospital after early morning collision in Innisfil

Police are asking motorists to avoid the area of 4th Line and 10th Sideroad
Good morning, Bradford!

Good morning, Bradford!

Optimism is key
COVID-19: What are the side effects? Is it safe? Doctors answer common vaccine questions

COVID-19: What are the side effects? Is it safe? Doctors answer common vaccine questions

Many people are wondering how they will feel after the shot, and how soon life will return back to normal
A Bradford Christmas Campaign wraps up its final week of fundraising

A Bradford Christmas Campaign wraps up its final week of fundraising

The girls have raised $31K toward their $50K goal thanks to members of the community
Nottawasaga Futures develops new program to help local businesses pivot to online model

Nottawasaga Futures develops new program to help local businesses pivot to online model

The group is now accepting registrations