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Trailer in poor condition leads to impaired charge for Innisfil man

Driver pulled over Tuesday afternoon when Guelph police noticed the trailer he was pulling was in poor condition
20190614 Guelph Police Service KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

An Innisfil man was charged with impaired driving Tuesday after Guelph police pulled him over because the trailer he was pulling appeared to be in poor mechanical condition.

At 3:20 p.m., police report they observed a motor vehicle driving near the intersection of Victoria Road North and Eramosa Road in Guelph, with a trailer that didn’t have a licence plate.

A traffic stop was initiated and, after observing that the trailer was full of rust and in poor mechanical condition, police say the vehicle and trailer were moved to a nearby parking lot to assess the mechanical fitness of the trailer.

After speaking with the driver further, a demand was made for him to provide a roadside breath test, which he failed.

A 50-year-old Innisfil man has been charged with impaired and no plate on trailer.

His driver’s licence was suspended for 90 days, and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.