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LIFE WITH CYNTHIA Does it add up? Certainly

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA Does it add up? Certainly

In her latest column, Cynthia Breadner reflects on an adventure she's not likely to forget
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Trying to do versus trying to achieve

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Trying to do versus trying to achieve

Like riding a bike, 'the trying is in how far they went, not in the moment of actual riding,' columnist says


When doing anything, pick one, and start
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Standing on the promises

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Standing on the promises

In her latest column, Cynthia Breadner reminds us that unintended perfect timing can prepare us for something better
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: The challenge of letting go

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: The challenge of letting go

Do yourself a favour and go from 'no-where' to 'now-here,' columnist urges
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Loss of internet is still a loss

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Loss of internet is still a loss

Last week's internet outage is a chance to examine how we manage loss and move through grief
COLUMN: Looking in the mirror!

COLUMN: Looking in the mirror!

'Life is about choices, and it is the long race that matters'
COLUMN: Summer: Some ramp up and others just coast along

COLUMN: Summer: Some ramp up and others just coast along

Duathlon presents a new challenge and is a reminder that we are not 'natural' at anything except living
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Is testing always necessary?

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: Is testing always necessary?

'When we question our core values or let frivolous posts cause us to question, we lose sight of our soul,' says Cynthia Breadner
LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: The stress of being a grandmother

LIFE WITH CYNTHIA: The stress of being a grandmother

Columnist wonders if worrying so much is 'wisdom or stupidity, unnecessary fear or truth'