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Planning a backyard fire? Get your burn permit!

A $10 annual permit can save you from a $465 fine
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With lovely spring and summer nights coming our way, you’ll want to get your burn permit if you plan on a recreational backyard fire.

Recreational backyard fires are allowed in BWG only if the homeowner first receives a Burn Permit from BWG Fire & Emergency Services, and follows all of the provisions of the relevant by-law. Getting a BWG Burn Permit is now even easier with online application and payment!

Our by-law outlines where, when, how and IF you can have a recreational fire in your backyard. For a recreational fire, you should have a CSA-approved wood burning appliance and your yard must be large enough that the fire can be at least 5 metres away from all property lines, as well as anything that could burn like a fence, deck or shed. Tenants must have the homeowner’s permission before obtaining a permit. If you qualify, then an annual permit is just $10.

Burning without an appliance, such as in an open fire pit or burn barrel, is only eligible for a short-term permit ($10 for one day or $20 for one week).

Permits are also available for agricultural and campground purposes.

Starting an outdoor fire without first obtaining a permit, or having a fire that violates any of the terms of the permit, could result in a significant fine.

How to Get a Burn Permit

The BWG Fire Station is currently closed to the public so burn permits must be applied for online, and you can pay online by credit card or drop off a cheque at the Town’s Finance office.

Per the Ontario Fire Code, burn permits are NOT required for backyard barbeques or CSA-approved gas appliances.

Please be aware that if the fire danger rating increases, burn permits may be revoked. Permit holders are responsible for checking the fire rating before they burn. Fire danger ratings are displayed on the main page of the Town website during the summer months or any time the hazard level exceeds “Low” – learn more here.