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Albania's president lambastes US ambassador on TV talk show

Albania's president lambastes US ambassador on TV talk show

TIRANA, Albania — Albania's president has accused the U.S. ambassador of intervening in the small European country’s internal affairs by supporting its prime minister in an upcoming parliamentary election.
India virus patients suffocate amid oxygen shortage in surge

India virus patients suffocate amid oxygen shortage in surge

SRINAGAR, India — Indian authorities scrambled Saturday to get oxygen tanks to hospitals where COVID-19 patients were suffocating amid the world’s worst coronavirus surge, as the government came under increasing criticism for what doctors said was it
Report: Iran Guard kills 3 militants near Afghanistan border

Report: Iran Guard kills 3 militants near Afghanistan border

TEHRAN, Iran — Members of Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard shot dead three militants and dismantled their cell in eastern Iran near the border with Afghanistan, Iran's semi-official Tasnim news agency reported Saturday.
Summit catapults world ahead in crucial year to curb warming

Summit catapults world ahead in crucial year to curb warming

WASHINGTON — The world moved closer to curbing the worst of global warming after this week's climate summit. But there’s still a long way to go, and the road to a safer future gets even rockier from here.
Chinese official in Xinjiang slams UK genocide declaration

Chinese official in Xinjiang slams UK genocide declaration

URUMQI, China — A spokesperson for the Xinjiang region called accusations of genocide “counter to the facts” as China came under more pressure this week over its treatment of the Uyghur ethnic group in the remote border area.
China names Mars rover for traditional fire god

China names Mars rover for traditional fire god

BEIJING — China’s first Mars rover will be named Zhurong after a traditional fire god, the government announced Saturday. The rover is aboard the Tianwen-1 probe that arrived in Mars orbit on Feb.
HIV drugs run short in Kenya as people say lives at risk

HIV drugs run short in Kenya as people say lives at risk

NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenyans living with HIV say their lives are in danger due to a shortage of anti-retroviral drugs donated by the United States amid a dispute between the U.S. aid agency and the Kenyan government.
Caitlyn Jenner adds celebrity to run for California governor

Caitlyn Jenner adds celebrity to run for California governor

LOS ANGELES — Caitlyn Jenner begins her campaign for California governor with a prized commodity for a candidate — celebrity. But while her name is widely recognized, what she would do in the job remains a mystery.
Lindsay Lohan's dad accused of taking kickbacks from rehab

Lindsay Lohan's dad accused of taking kickbacks from rehab

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — The estranged father of actor Lindsay Lohan was arrested Friday on charges that he illegally took kickbacks for referring patients to a substance abuse treatment centre .
California governor seeks ban on new fracking by 2024

California governor seeks ban on new fracking by 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov.