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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Using education is an opportunity to succeed in every walk of life

LETTER: Using education is an opportunity to succeed in every walk of life

'Education teaches individuals how to weigh various sides of an issue through critical thinking and it enhances their own problem-solving and decision-making skills' - reader Riffat Jahan
LETTER: Comparing transit system in Paris to Innisfil like comparing 'grapes to watermelon'

LETTER: Comparing transit system in Paris to Innisfil like comparing 'grapes to watermelon'

'Before building the highway, there need to be origin-destination studies to find out where people are going, and what kind of transit system would help,' says reader
LETTER: Province needs to consider other ways to reduce traffic congestion in the area

LETTER: Province needs to consider other ways to reduce traffic congestion in the area

‘Is building a highway that will cost several billion dollars and seriously degrade wetlands and rivers that flow into Lake Simcoe, not to mention forcing homeowners along the route to relocate, really the one and only solution to traffic congestion?’ asks reader
LETTER: Outstanding environmental concerns regarding the Bradford Bypass haven't been fully addressed

LETTER: Outstanding environmental concerns regarding the Bradford Bypass haven't been fully addressed

Among the concerns are 'endangered species habitat, fisheries impacts, and water quality and stormwater management in the already stressed Lake Simcoe watershed'
LETTER: Thinking beyond the ‘more highways’ template

LETTER: Thinking beyond the ‘more highways’ template

'If we do indeed have an increase in population and we do indeed need to move those people around, the best way to do that is with a generous public transportation system,' says letter writer
LETTER: Bradford Bypass needed to accommodate growing community

LETTER: Bradford Bypass needed to accommodate growing community

'What do they think millions more people and vehicles will bring if we don't improve the infrastructure?' asks reader
LETTER: Reader encourages community to support small, local business

LETTER: Reader encourages community to support small, local business

'So often we are quick to buy at the big box *(or American) stores and forget to realize or even recognize, the talents and merchandise that our local citizens have to offer,' reader says
LETTER: Will Ford be cakewalking back to Queen’s Park in June?

LETTER: Will Ford be cakewalking back to Queen’s Park in June?

‘Every administration that was in power at the time of a crisis or war was seemingly re-elected. Will that happen here in Ontario?’ asks reader
LETTER: My hijab, my identity, my right

LETTER: My hijab, my identity, my right

'Our veil not only protects our beauty but gives us strength and confidence to walk proud and give it our all; it gives us a unique opportunity to present before the world our true self'
LETTER: All levels of government need to help fund phosphorous recycling facility project

LETTER: All levels of government need to help fund phosphorous recycling facility project

Reader urges governments to work together to get the phosphorous recycling facility project completed to protect Lake Simco