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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Reader reflects on grim anniversary of officer's death

LETTER: Reader reflects on grim anniversary of officer's death

OPP Const. Greg Pierzchala 'was more than a number,' says letter writer
LETTER: Life is busy: 12-year-old suggests slowing down

LETTER: Life is busy: 12-year-old suggests slowing down

'Taking time for sitting, feeling, listening, and just smelling is refreshing and enjoyable and also important,' letter writer says of her natural surroundings
LETTER: Affordable housing and homelessness are different issues

LETTER: Affordable housing and homelessness are different issues

'We need to separate these issues and give both of them the same awareness and attention,' the letter writer says
Letter: School boards are inefficient educational models of the past

Letter: School boards are inefficient educational models of the past

Is it now the time to change our education system which has failed in so many ways due to pandemic demands these past three years?
LETTER: Climate change is creeping into our lives

LETTER: Climate change is creeping into our lives

'It was an eye opener this past week in Canada as over a hundred forest fires spewed smoke ... into our communities,' says reader
LETTER: Flowery welcome to Bradford is sorely missed

LETTER: Flowery welcome to Bradford is sorely missed

Tulips were ripped from ground, and now 'the beautiful introduction to our town lies bare,' laments letter writer
LETTER: Calling Greenbelt a scam 'goes beyond the pale'

LETTER: Calling Greenbelt a scam 'goes beyond the pale'

Premier's comment suggests 'there is no need to protect environmentally sensitive areas,' says letter writer
LETTER: Privatization not the critical health-care issue

LETTER: Privatization not the critical health-care issue

'When it comes to health care my concern is with the quality of health care delivered, it's availability and it's cost,' says reader
LETTER: Make Bill C-22 law, help people with disabilities

LETTER: Make Bill C-22 law, help people with disabilities

'This piece of legislation is a critical step towards building a society where everyone can transition from poverty to possibility with dignity,' says Brian Shelley
LETTER: School trustees need to read up on flag etiquette

LETTER: School trustees need to read up on flag etiquette

Our national flag of Canada is much too important to all Canadians to be switched out for some group’s self-promotional banner, reader says