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Letters to the Editor

OP-ED: Canada Water Agency applauded by councillors

OP-ED: Canada Water Agency applauded by councillors

'Protecting our watershed is too important to waste any more time ... we need all levels of government to do more — and faster,' say councillors
LETTER: Frost has a powerful bite

LETTER: Frost has a powerful bite

It's an annoyance for hobby gardeners, but it's serious business for farmers trying to make a living, says letter writer
LETTER: Town should treasure its trees

LETTER: Town should treasure its trees

'If only we thought about the living conditions we want to leave for our grandchildren,' says letter writer
LETTER: Ford 'has awakened a sleeping giant' with Bill 60

LETTER: Ford 'has awakened a sleeping giant' with Bill 60

Letter writer urges people to vote in Ontario Health Coalition referendum
POEM: Amid climate crisis, war, it's a time to sow peace

POEM: Amid climate crisis, war, it's a time to sow peace

Bradford resident pens poem on battles and peace
LETTER: No Mow May? Dandelions need to be kept 'in check'

LETTER: No Mow May? Dandelions need to be kept 'in check'

'Allowing them to grow unchecked puts further pressure on our native spring flowering plants, which provide better pollen sources,' says letter writer
LETTER: Real goal should be to replace lawns with gardens

LETTER: Real goal should be to replace lawns with gardens

Reader questions expert's attempt to undermine small movement #NoMowMay, aimed at cutting back on lawn-mowing
LETTER: MP seeks stiffer penalties for first-responder violence

LETTER: MP seeks stiffer penalties for first-responder violence

'The unfortunate reality is that our front-line heroes ... are confronting an epidemic of violence while serving and providing essential services to our communities,' says B.C. politician
LETTER: Putting patios on streets cause too much congestion

LETTER: Putting patios on streets cause too much congestion

'It’s dangerous for people walking in town and it makes downtown Bradford look trashy,' says resident of allowing patios to be on public space
LETTER: Downtown patios 'an accident waiting to happen'

LETTER: Downtown patios 'an accident waiting to happen'

'Why would anyone want to sit downtown with the noise and pollution from these large vehicles?' asks resident