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Police Beat

Eastbound Holland Street closed at Colborne for collision

Eastbound Holland Street closed at Colborne for collision

Police are asking motorists to avoid the area
Break and enter suspect arrested after foot pursuit in Bradford

Break and enter suspect arrested after foot pursuit in Bradford

Holland Landing man faces charges
Canada Road Safety week sees 139 traffic charges in the area

Canada Road Safety week sees 139 traffic charges in the area

Among the calls for service were 19 collisions
Theft from vehicles investigation nets drug, trespassing charges for Newmarket woman

Theft from vehicles investigation nets drug, trespassing charges for Newmarket woman

Police say they had responded to report of a woman checking vehicles in Bradford
Catalytic converter thefts on the rise in the area, police warn

Catalytic converter thefts on the rise in the area, police warn

Police say two Innisfil residents recently reported to police that the devices were stolen from vehicles parked in their driveway
Police investigate rash of school vandalism over long weekend

Police investigate rash of school vandalism over long weekend

Police say police the three schools reported obscene graffiti spray painted on exterior walls; Two schools also had minor damage to the buildings
OPP offer boat safety tips after 32 killed on waterways in 2020

OPP offer boat safety tips after 32 killed on waterways in 2020

OPP urging Ontarians to avoid taking the same risks that cost 32 boaters and paddlers their lives on OPP-patrolled waterways last year
Crime Stoppers releases video of East Gwillimbury drive-in vandals

Crime Stoppers releases video of East Gwillimbury drive-in vandals

The young men are aged 17 to 21, York Regional Police say
3 suspects wanted after vandalism, fire at East Gwillimbury drive-in

3 suspects wanted after vandalism, fire at East Gwillimbury drive-in

York Regional Police is seeking the public's assistance in identifying the males aged 18 to 25 after damage was discovered May 15
OPP issues warning about kids playing on commercial property in Tottenham

OPP issues warning about kids playing on commercial property in Tottenham

Police are requesting parents have a discussion with their children about avoiding properties of concern